Google App Engine Hack-A-Thon Ann Arbor 11/17

Nov 3, 2008 00:39 · 296 words · 2 minute read app engine google

I started the ball rolling on this a few weeks ago, and I’m thankful that some folks picked up that ball and ran with it. I’m reposting Matt Simmons’ announcement here:

The Michigan Python Users Group (MichiPUG) in conjunction with Google are happy to present: Google App Engine Hack-a-thon: Ann Arbor

What: An App Engine developer event for Google App Engine!

  • Learn about Google App Engine: We will have talks on the major features of Google App Engine at different points throughout the day. We will run through developing an app with the SDK and show you how to deploy and manage applications on Google App Engine.
  • Build With Us, or Build Your Own: You are welcome to bring along anything you can prepare ahead of time (sketches, designs, web page mock ups, etc.) and use the time and information provided to develop your idea into a working application, then share it with the world. Or, you can code along with us in building a Google App Engine application from start to finish.

Who: You! Your ideas and your enthusiasm complete the mix. We will assume some basic skills and preparation for the event, including an

existing knowledge of the Python programming language. We’ll provide power, copies of the SDK, and an awesome ambiance. Just bring yourself and your laptop. Some light snacks and beverages will be available, as will a pizza lunch. If you decide to bring extra food, please make sure it is computer friendly. 🙂

When: Monday Nov 17th, 2008 10AM-6PM

Where: Google’s Ann Arbor Office: 201 S. Division St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104

You can read more about previous hack-a-thons at the AppEngine blog


RSVP for the Ann Arbor event with the link below.

Looking forward to seeing you there!